This primitive axe is more like a simple tool than a weapon.
Battle Axe
The flared edge of the blade is a common style used by low budget human armies and
Dwarven Axe
Typical Dwarven manufacture: Strong, practical, and plain.
Steel Axe
One of several crates full of such axes stolen from the Dwarves by the Warlocks of
Nighon. Each of these weapons has been tempered and enchanted by the Stone City foundry,
and stamped with their mark.
Minotaur Axe
Double bladed axes like these are powerfully enchanted by Minotaur sorcerers in a
secret process known only to them. These axes are light where they should be heavy, and
slice through metal armor as easily as they slice through cloth.
This style of long hafted axe has better reach and more power than the normal
one-handed axe.
Warriors Poleax
This poleax has a sharper blade equipped with all the latest in military technology:
Blood grooves, whistle-holes, and a counterbalanced, smaller blade behind the haft for
tricky, disembowling, backstrokes.
Headsmans Poleax
So named for the execution device favored by headsmen, the Headsman's Poleax sports a
longer blade to reduce messy and embarassing execution mistakes.