Wann kriegt man Level 7 Spells???

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Moderatoren: Thies, mara, Sharookan

Beiträge: 40
Registriert: Do 22.08.2002 - 06:34

Wann kriegt man Level 7 Spells???

Beitrag von cedre »

Meine Zauberer sind jetzt LEvel 24 und ich bekomme immer noch nicht alle LEvel 7 Spells. wie z.b. tsunami, earthquake. ab welchem level hat man denn auf die zugriff???
Beiträge: 916
Registriert: So 02.09.2001 - 20:29
Wohnort: Karlsruhe

Beitrag von Yonder »

1. Du musst einen Char haben, der 18 Zauberlevel auf dem Buckel hat.

2. Du brauchst im Realm, aus dem der Zauber kommt, 90 Punkte. Genauer gesagt: 90 - (Element/10):

Ganz genau:
" To become eligible to learn new higher level spells for your class, you have to meet 2 requirements: 1) minimum level in *THAT* class (not overall), and 2) minimum skill, for*THAT* spell's spellbook & realm.

1) Minimum Level requirement:
Pure Caster Classes: Mage, Priest, Psionic, Alchemist, Bishop
Hybrid Caster Classes: Monk, Ninja, Ranger, Samurai, Lord, Valkyrie

Spell Level .... Min. Class Level
................. PURE .. HYBRID
1 ................ 1 ....... 5
2 ................ 3 ....... 7
3 ................ 5 ....... 9
4 ................ 8 ...... 12
5 ............... 11 ...... 15
6 ............... 14 ...... 18
7 ............... 18 ...... 22

2) Minimum Skill Requirement To calculate your effective skill level for a given spell:
* Take your highest spellbook skill (Wizardry, Divinity, Psionics, Alchemy) that the spell in question appears in. Important for bishops or class- changed characters, since many spells appear in multiple books.
* Add 10% of your *natural* skill in that spell's realm. This doesn't include temporary skill bonuses such as those from items.

Spell Lvl ..... Min. Effective Skill Lvl
1 .................. 0
2 .................. 15
3 .................. 30
4 .................. 45
5 .................. 60
6 .................. 75
7 .................. 90

It's not as complicated as it sounds. Example: A mage, a pure caster, must be level 5 AND have an effective skill of 30 to learn Fireball, a third level Fire realm Mage spell. If he has 30+ skill in Wizardry, he's all set. He could also qualify if he has, say 28 in Wizardry and 20+ in Fire skill (10% rule). Hope this helps...

http://www.geocities.com/jandrall/Wizar ... lskill.htm

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