Erstmal Hallo, ist mein 1. Beitrag(bzw Frage^^) in diesem Forum.
Ich habe letztens folgende Seite gefunden:
Gelten die Editoren darauf für WoG oder das normale HOMM3 (ich blick da nicht so ganz durch). Kann man damit eigene Kreaturen in HOMM3 einfügen? Wenn ja, wo gibt es ein Tutorial? Wenn nein, gibt es überhaupt eine Möglichkeit dazu?
Ich besitze nur das normale HOMM3, ohne Erweiterung, daher kann ich mit WoG leider nix anfangen
eigene Kreaturen einfügen in HOMM 3
Moderatoren: Thies, mara, Radagast, Azurdrachen
- Red-Dragon
- Erzmagier(in)
- Beiträge: 1530
- Registriert: So 31.10.2004 - 14:33
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- hafensaenger
- Erzengel
- Beiträge: 7175
- Registriert: Di 21.05.2002 - 14:15
- Wohnort: Fate2 Vers. 17.07.2007
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Ich habe die Page mal durch einen Onlineübersetzer gejagt.
Ins Deutsche übersetze ich das heute nimmer. Hoffe ihr kommt damit klar. Und Clique Ici bedeutet soviel wie Klicke hier um die Datei runterzuladen.
Domm, is used automatically to integrate all the new objects created by modhomm3 (obj extension), in the file h3bitmap.lod of the Data file from Heroes 3.
An object, it is an image (a tree, a house, a creature) to which one allotted a particular property (for example, one decides that the house will be a hut of search) and a quite precise passablility (red squares jaunes/carrés which one sees on the editor of chart).
This module is used to extract various things from the files as Heroes, you are not obliged to download it to be able to use the software of scripts, but it highly advised to have it
This module is used to vary the parameters of the creatures of Heroes ... One can modify the gold cost, suffers from it, etc... For certain creatures having a fate, one can put 1, 2 of them to see even (n) moreover
This version is also débuguée with regard to the cut description of certain creatures.
Correction with regard to its compatibility with Erathia.
Copymap H3 (56.5 KB)
To copy part of a chart Heroes 3
Copymap Wog (56.5 KB)
To copy part of a chart WOG
Lodedit (63 KB)
lodedit, it is what preceded modhomm3. Ca was made by a Russian. Ca makes it possible to reimport the textual files (parameters of the objects, creatures...) and pcx (portraits of Hero) in Heroes 3. The owners of Erathia can use it. It should be installed in the Data file from Heroes
This software will enable you to reimport your files in Heroes , it is 100 times faster than lodman...
Its use is simple:
- To copy ' lodedit.exe' and ' Replace.bat' in the repertory where is ' H3bitmap.lod'
- To publish ' (or To modify, under XP) Replace.bat' and put as many files as you want...
lodedt @HPL136wi.pcx
lodedt @HPS136wi.pcx
lodedt @CRTRAITS.txt
- to carry out integration, double-clic on ' Replace.bat'
(obligatory Module)
Viewpcx (122 KB)
Created at the same time as lodedit, to view the def extracted by this program, by converting them with the format pcx
This software will enable you to look at the files pcx which were extracted by ModHomm3_EX, it goes extremely well and even if it is in Spanish, it is easy of use...
Defview (232 KB)
Is used to view files DEF
DefMaker (203 KB)
This is used to create Def files, therefore of new objects (news images with a specific passability) for Heroes 3. It is a program created by Slava, and of which it was useful for WoG.
Resedit (308 KB)
Resedit is another program created to extract the files of the play contained in the files h3bitmap.lo and h3sprite.lod of the Data repertory from Heroes 3.
TextEdit (252 KB)
This makes it possible to publish the textual files (which define the properties of the creatures, the artifacts, their names...) and to modify them with the good format. Ca allows in fact to change the characteristics of the play.
Memory (3 zip)
(22.4 Mo in all)
Memory, it is the ancestor of WoG, created by Alexander Karpenko (which then worked on WoG). It is small a add one (noncompatible with WoG) which can be tested....
Launcher ModHomm3 (10.1 KB)
It is really the very first version of Modhomm3. As its name indicates it, it made it possible to launch the small named modules Modhomm3 BT (modifies the parameters of the buildings), Modhomm3 CR (modifies the parameters of the creatures), Modhomm3 ART (modifies the parameters of the artifacts) and of course Modhomm3 EXE (the extractor of file).
This small achievable is the bar of spot of the software, it makes it possible to choose which various modules you want to launch.
To install it, it is enough for you to place it in the repertory where you carried out the installation and to replace that which exists.
ModHomm3 (966 KB)
The last version of ModHomm3, which gathers all and proposes more possibilities of which modification and the creation of new objects.
ModHomm3_Art (64 KB)
This module is used to vary the parameters of the artifacts of Heroes ... One can modify the gold cost, to simulate the ambidextrie...
And even to change the type of artifact (Rare, Relic, etc...)
This version is also a bit buggy with regard to the cut description of certain artifacts.
"We choose our joys and sorrows
long before we experience them."
- Kahlil Gibran-
long before we experience them."
- Kahlil Gibran-
Ich habe es nun geschafft, mit Hilfe der lodedt.exe und Resextract oder wie das heißt einen Pikenier zu erschaffen, der 99 Gesundheit,0 Speed und 0 Verteidigung hat ^^
Aber wenn ich beim Pikenier die AvWPike.def verändern will mit der ModHomm3.exe bekomme ich immer einen GLOVER ERROR!!!!
Und nix kommt bei raus -_-
Wenn mir jemand helfen kann, dann helft mir
Aber wenn ich beim Pikenier die AvWPike.def verändern will mit der ModHomm3.exe bekomme ich immer einen GLOVER ERROR!!!!
Und nix kommt bei raus -_-
Wenn mir jemand helfen kann, dann helft mir
- Red-Dragon
- Erzmagier(in)
- Beiträge: 1530
- Registriert: So 31.10.2004 - 14:33
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- Red-Dragon
- Erzmagier(in)
- Beiträge: 1530
- Registriert: So 31.10.2004 - 14:33
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- Registriert: Mi 22.01.2020 - 17:06
- Wohnort: United States
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