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Upload am : | 04.02.2004 - 13:35 |
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» Kartenarchiv » Heroes 4 - Maps » Original (MP)
Beschreibung:Heroes 4 Original - Karte / Map
Kartentyp:M + Untergrund
Spieler:4/4 (Team)
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Map Difficulty: Expert; Game Version: HOMM4 Standard Map Version: 1.1
Special Win: Collect the most and best artifacts
Standard win/loss: disabled Special Loss: Your enemies collect more.
Playtesters: Martin Barming Nielsen at
Kjetil Glad Vangen at
Description: The ruined ancient town, Charragaust is this year host to the biggest tournament of this century : The big Treasure Hunt, oragnized by the wealthy former adventurer Morphillius. The goal is clear : you must find the most and best artifacts, within a time limit.The reward is high but the difficulty rating is even higher. Do you dare to participate? Map by Barabási Elöd-Gyözö alias Veldrynus Version 1.0
Human-playable town-types: Any/Random
Puzzle: May involve hidden features, word-puzzles, chained quests or other surprises.
Battle: Strong emphasis on combat tactics
Quickstart: Starting towns mostly or fully built.
Multiplayer: Designed and balanced for human vs human games.
Rich: Lots of artifacts and resources - especially in early game.
Large Armies: Big fights; more than usual for a map of this size.
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