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Dateigrösse : | 27 KiB |
Aufrufe : | 10.693 |
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Letzter DL : | 20.07.2024 - 23:44 |
Upload am : | 04.02.2004 - 13:39 |
Last Update : | 04.02.2004 - 13:39 |
Uploader : | Thies |
Bewertung : | Note 6.5 bei 45 Bewertungen |
» Kartenarchiv » Heroes 4 - Maps » Original (SP)
Beschreibung:Heroes 4 Original - Karte / Map
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Webmaster: bitte linkt nur zu dieser Seite und nicht zum Download direkt!
Special Win: get as many gems you can
Standard win/loss: disabled
Special Loss: lose all of your gems
Playtesters: Ghostwriter at
Description: Play the Poker cardgame with Heroes IV creatures. It works with all possible combinations. You can also choose to play in the story mode if you want.
The story : You have been selected to eliminate the undead intruders who violate the holy forrests of Dhaey Zhat since last year. Your people have lost some of their outpost towns. These need to be reclaimed and the opponent leader needs a sharp lesson to be taught.
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