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Upload am : | 04.02.2004 - 13:32 |
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» Kartenarchiv » Heroes 4 - Maps » Original (MP)
Beschreibung:Heroes 4 Original - Karte / Map
Kartentyp:S + Untergrund
Spieler:2/2 (Team)
Autor:Pharaz Veldrynus
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Map Name: Charragaust (filename.h4m)
Map Maker: Pharaz Veldrynus
E-mail Address:
Map Type: Multiplayer, 2 Humans Only, 2 Human Or Computer
Map Size: Small (with underground)
Map Difficulty: Intermediate
Language: English
Special Win: Capture the town: Charragaust
Standard win/loss: disabled
Description: Whitin the deep and dangerous jungles of Kreshnathan , lies since the ancient times : the city of Charragaust , seat of the Holy Grail . These days the mighty archmage Veldrynus and his undead minions rule the town, guarding it's powerfull artifacts .Now ,two expeditions were sent to conquer the town .
Optional Information:
Human-playable town-types: Any/Random
Map Styles: Classic/Standard: Your average map
Battle: Strong emphasis on combat tactics
Multiplayer: Designed and balanced for human vs human games.
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